B3S4 - Podcast

Podcast – School exchanges: A Guildene for Surviving’ New Projects

Hi, welcome! This is Susan in Real Life. As you know, I just came back from my second school exchange, and it was amazing. I promised to share some tips with you, so here we go: 1. If you pack according to the season, you might need to know what other weather conditions your chosen place has. 2. You may get lost if you don’t make a previous map investigation, so check some locations before you go. 3. You can experiment what we call homesickness; it is when you miss your family and hometown. If you are far away, try to keep in touch with your family as often as you can. 4. If you don’t make a well-established plan, you will hardly visit many places in that other city, so make sure to schedule some activities and have fun!